1512 1st Street NW Albuquerque NM 87102 USA



Puerta al Tango offers weekly drop-in classes, weekly practicas, weekly free classes and 2 social milongas every month on 2nd Fridays (Milonga Onda) and 4th Saturdays (Milonga Suerte Loca)

All information can be found at
Saturday-Sunday, October 12-13
Small space & dynamically fluid dancing immersive, all-level and inclusive weekend of workshops with Puerta al Tango. Registration, class descriptions (tango, vals, milonga), prices and more details on website link. Host & instructor: Puerta al Tango | Graham Stanford. Schedule on Webpage | Email | Facebook | Instagram | Map link
Find us on social media:

Monica Paz – Special Opportunity!


April 29 – May 1, 2022

Las Puertas
1500 1st Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102


Friday 4/29/22 Chat – Coffee followed by Practica
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm:  El Tango es un sentimiento
9:00 pm to 10:30 pm:  Practica

Saturday 4/30/22 Energies in Motion
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm:  Give and receive.  What energies work?  Energies and musical times.
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm :  Energias y frases musicals
Melody, Staccato & Legato, energies for these.

8:00 pm to Midnight – Milonga de las Puertas
DJ: Michelle McRuiz

Sunday 5/1/22 Dissociation
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm:  Natural Dissociation
How to get the Natural Dissociation.
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm – Powerful dance
Optimizing the energies when dancing.

Las Puertas LLC * PO Box 7817 * Albuquerque NM 87194
#505-247-2056 – LasPuertasEvents.com – afisher@tanagerproperty.com


Monica Paz ABQ 2022

AMilonga at Las Puertas

AMilonga at Las Puertas.
An Argentine Tango Milonga.

DJ: Elizabeth Auden.
Celebrate Simona’s birthday.

COVID-19 vaccination cards (paper or digital) checked at the door. Masks required. If you attended Amilonga in 2021, your status is on record.
AMilonga website Facebook

Monica Paz


After a long wait, Monica Paz returns to Albuquerque!

At 1508 Roma NW 87104

Only private Lessons

Pricing: $100 for one, $270 for three

Email afishser@tanagerproperty.com to schedule
Phone 505-247-5056

Monica Paz Tango Aug. 2021